00:00 | ...Answers In GenesisThe Sanctity of Life 3 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - part 1 Dr David Menton examines the beginnings of life in the womb, explaining some amazing miracles that take place to create a human baby, showing that we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made - part. [PG] (Starts at 23:30) | The VerdictOf a Maddened Mob We can be affected, influenced, and even changed by the emotional experiences of people around us. Randy Roberts looks at an instance of emotional contagion in ancient Jerusalem. [PG] (Starts at 23:55) | ...Scripture MysteriesThe Forgotten Dream The Forgotten Dream investigates the truth around a couple of serious questions. Firstly, "Are there really any good reasons to believe in the Bible?" and if so, "What does the future hold?". [PG] (Starts at 23:30) | ...Summer SnowSummer Snow Dan struggles to keep it together after his wife's death. He doesn't cook, do hair, or know how to help his three children without his beautiful wife and her unshakable faith in God. [PG] (Starts at 23:00) | Creation Magazine LiveThe Atheist's Creation Story All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. [G] | Go Healthy For GoodCure Acid Reflux Naturally In todays episode, Dr Nerida McKibben discusses causes and possible solutions to acid reflux. [PG] (Starts at 00:05) | Go Healthy For GoodSuicide Prevention in Teens In todays episode Dr McKibben looks at ways we as seasoned adults can help the younger generation navigate through challenging times. [PG] |
00:30 | Hope At NightWhat Must I Do to Be Saved? Is there anything we can do to help ourselves be saved? Former avid partyers Jack and Crystal Philips and former sales manager turned pastor Nic Stephenson share what they have learned. [G] | Family Reunion ConcertDel and Friends - part 3 Del and Friends is a spirit-filled, tender yet refreshingly humorous look at the life and music of a remarkable servant of God by featuring some of Del's most beloved songs - part 3. [G] (Starts at 00:35) | The EvidenceGod and Dinosaurs Did dinosaurs really exist? Is so, did God create them? What is the evidence? [G] | Healthy LivingBack Pain / Arthritis Pain is horrible to deal with. If prolonged or frequent, it significantly impacts the quality of life. What lifestyle practices can reduce chronic pain such as back pain and arthritis? [G] | Real Family TalkYour Questions Answered: Marriage Woes Today Willie and Elaine Oliver, with Juliana Baioni, answer some questions about marriage and relationships. [G] |
01:00 | Cross Connection - MatthewJesus Enters Jerusalem Jesus healing the blind and the lame in the temple turned tradition upside down. Today on Cross Connection we will look at why Jesus opposes tradition. [G] | Lessons for LivingHeaven Does Heaven exist or not? Why do people have differing ideas about Heaven? Let us search the Bible for the truth about Heaven. [G] | Faith Versus FinanceTestimony Is it possible to be financially secure and yet become spiritually bankrupt? Learn the answer directly from Julian Archer, a member of the '1% Club', the richest 1% of people on earth. [G] | LifestyleGrowing Pains - Jeremy and Joanie Miller Is there someone in your life dealing with substance abuse? Jeremy Miller, known on the hit sitcom Growing Pains, along with his fiancee, Joanie Miller, and they share their journey. [G] | AuthenticGod in the Flesh Does the Bible really say Jesus is God? Come along as Shawn Boonstra investigates. [PG] | Reliving MarkOne Who Forgives Sin In evaluating Jesus' radical declaration that He had forgiven the sins of a paralytic, Carl explores a reconstructed Jewish home and examines the claim that the house where the miracle occurred. [PG] |
01:30 | Stupid MoneyTrucker advice After college, Doug worked as a CPA. How'd he end up owning a trucking company? He shares how his education as a CPA helps in his business. [G] | New PerceptionsYes, Can Do - Dare With Attitude Dwight Nelson talks about how to dare with an attitude. A daring attitude leads to "WE CAN DO ...Because ...HE CAN DO". [G] | Creation MinistriesThe Truth of the Genesis Flood Cultural stories and tales across the world describe some kind of extensive life and Earth altering Flood. What is the truth about the Genesis Flood? [PG] | Faith and FinanceMoney and Marriage, Money and Singles In this episode "Money and Marriage, Money and Singles" Edward Reid uses biblical principles and shares practical lessons of life about money management. [G] | Healthy LivingBack Pain / Arthritis Pain is horrible to deal with. If prolonged or frequent, it significantly impacts the quality of life. What lifestyle practices can reduce chronic pain such as back pain and arthritis? [G] | The Cute OnesPuppy Love From vast savannahs and lush rainforests to our very own homes, the series explores and celebrates what makes an animal cute. [G] |
02:00 | Thinking CreationGod and Nature Viewed from space, our earth looks vulnerable, and we can't help but wonder if we are alone. If there is a creator God, is He really watching over this world? [G] | Live at Psalter StudioOh Give Thanks The Promise, perform 'Oh Give Thanks' and a special trio piece original entitled 'My Yes' + Eric & Monique share more of the music testimony. [G] | Made In His ImageBeauty In Motion When the systems of the body work together to allow us to perform extraordinary physical feats of agility, accuracy, speed and strength, we can really appreciate the complexity of God's design. [G] (Starts at 02:05) | Sisters in ArmsIn the Midst of Pure Light Olympia Morata The Renaissance, often associated with great men, has a hidden gem, Olivia Morata. She translated the Bible, gave lectures in Latin and ventured where no woman had ventured before. [G] | Summer SnowSummer Snow Dan struggles to keep it together after his wife's death. He doesn't cook, do hair, or know how to help his three children without his beautiful wife and her unshakable faith in God. [PG] | New PerceptionsYes, Can Do - Dare With Attitude Dwight Nelson talks about how to dare with an attitude. A daring attitude leads to "WE CAN DO ...Because ...HE CAN DO". [G] |
02:30 | Creation MinistriesThe Mighty Wonderful Oceans What can we learn about our origins, from the wonderfully vast and mighty oceans of planet Earth? [PG] | Off the GridMedevac a Woman in Critical Condition Experience the challenges and rewards of working for Adventist World Aviation as they use aircraft to save lives in remote parts of the world. Today, Clint medevacs a woman in critical condition. [G] | InVerseRenewing the Mind - Saving Hurting People Is there a space where the bible speaks about Mental Health? Join the Inverse team to learn more on this topic. [G] | Cross Connection - MatthewStatus in the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus said "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant". Does that mean we should stop trying to work our way up in life? [G] | InVerseRenewing the Mind - Saving Hurting People Is there a space where the bible speaks about Mental Health? Join the Inverse team to learn more on this topic. [G] | Live at Psalter StudioOh Give Thanks The Promise, perform 'Oh Give Thanks' and a special trio piece original entitled 'My Yes' + Eric & Monique share more of the music testimony. [G] (Starts at 02:35) |
03:00 | My Story, My SongAndy Litchfield Join your host Kandus Thorp to hear powerful stories of how God has used music to bless both listeners and performers alike. Today's guests is Andy Litchfield. [G] | Sisters in ArmsIn the Midst of Pure Light Olympia Morata The Renaissance, often associated with great men, has a hidden gem, Olivia Morata. She translated the Bible, gave lectures in Latin and ventured where no woman had ventured before. [G] | Thinking CreationGod and the Big Bang Can the 'Big Bang' really explain the origin of galaxies, the solar system, the earth and life, as a result of the combined actions of chance and natural laws? Or was life and the universe designed? [PG] | Real Family TalkYour Questions Answered: Marriage Woes Today Willie and Elaine Oliver, with Juliana Baioni, answer some questions about marriage and relationships. [G] |
03:30 | Scenic PraiseReflections Renown videographer Gary Hanson brings you some of the most fantastic and inspirational visuals that creation can provide, set to some of your favourite hymns and worship music. [G] (Starts at 03:15)
The Incredible JourneyMan of the Millenium 500 years ago, a young German monk named Martin Luther challenged the power and authority of the most powerful empire on earth.Watch the episode and learn about this story. [G] | It Is WrittenThe Greatest War War and unrest have long troubled the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Events which occurred in Sarajevo started WWI. But a greater trouble shakes the world right now, the Greatest War. [M] | The Incredible JourneyThe Fall of Jerusalem Pt1 Jesus predicted the destruction of both the city and the temple. He prefaced his prophecy with signs and warnings which, if heeded, would have saved the lives of countless millions. [PG] | Off the GridMedevac a Woman in Critical Condition Experience the challenges and rewards of working for Adventist World Aviation as they use aircraft to save lives in remote parts of the world. Today, Clint medevacs a woman in critical condition. [G] | Mums At The TableGetting Information and Support The Mums at the Table chat about where to get information and advice, effective parenting styles and getting your child to listen. [G] | It Is WrittenThe Greatest War War and unrest have long troubled the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Events which occurred in Sarajevo started WWI. But a greater trouble shakes the world right now, the Greatest War. [M] | Secrets of Britain's Great CathedralsSalisbury Cathedral Secrets of Britain's Great Cathedrals explores Salisbury Cathedral, featuring interviews with historians and experts and breathtaking aerial footage. [PG] |
04:00 | Answers In GenesisThe Sanctity of Life 4 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - part 2 Dr David Menton examines the beginnings of life in the womb, explaining some amazing miracles that take place to create a human baby, showing that we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made - part. [PG] | Bible Land PassagesJudah - David's Training Ground Of Faith Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith is a documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. [G] | Evolution ImpossibleMajor Problems with Radiometric Dating Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. There is one dating method that scientists tell us is very simple and reliable though - Radiometric Dating. Is it really? [PG] | It Is WrittenDaniel the Prophet - The Writing On The Wall King Balshazzar of Babylon organized a big party. A mysterious hand appeared, and in fiery letters, wrote a chilling message on the kings palace walls but, nobody can read it or knows what it means. [PG] | Hymns of the ForefathersSydney Continue the celebration in sight and sound as we follow the musical story of the English church from the 18th and 19th Centuries. [G] | LifestyleBoldly Go - William Shatner Do you wish you were more bold and capable of doing things you've never done before? Join host Roy Ice and guest Willaim Shatner to discover more. [G] | It Is WrittenWhen History Repeats In rural England a monument stands to a great hero of the Reformation. While others preached or developed doctrines, this man poured himself into translating and printing the Bible. [PG] |
04:30 | Creation ScapesBlue Ridge Dreams - part 1 Renown videographer Gary Hanson brings you some of the most fantastic and inspirational visuals that creation can provide, set to some of your favourite hymns and worship music. [G] (Starts at 04:45) | Secrets of Britain's Great CathedralsSalisbury Cathedral Secrets of Britain's Great Cathedrals explores Salisbury Cathedral, featuring interviews with historians and experts and breathtaking aerial footage. [PG] | Off the GridMedevac a Woman in Critical Condition Experience the challenges and rewards of working for Adventist World Aviation as they use aircraft to save lives in remote parts of the world. Today, Clint medevacs a woman in critical condition. [G] | Family Reunion ConcertDel and Friends - part 3 Del and Friends is a spirit-filled, tender yet refreshingly humorous look at the life and music of a remarkable servant of God by featuring some of Del's most beloved songs - part 3. [G] | AuthenticAnswers for a Skeptic Part 2 - Bible Mistakes On this week's episode of Authentic, host Shawn Boonstra continues his series called "Answers for a Skeptic" by focusing on the claim that the Bible is full of mistakes and contradiction. [PG] | Hymns of the ForefathersSydney Continue the celebration in sight and sound as we follow the musical story of the English church from the 18th and 19th Centuries. [G] | Off the GridMedevac a Woman in Critical Condition Experience the challenges and rewards of working for Adventist World Aviation as they use aircraft to save lives in remote parts of the world. Today, Clint medevacs a woman in critical condition. [G] |
05:00 | Creation MinistriesThe Truth of the Genesis Flood Cultural stories and tales across the world describe some kind of extensive life and Earth altering Flood. What is the truth about the Genesis Flood? [PG] | Family Reunion ConcertDel and Friends - part 3 Del and Friends is a spirit-filled, tender yet refreshingly humorous look at the life and music of a remarkable servant of God by featuring some of Del's most beloved songs - part 3. [G] | Healthy LivingBack Pain / Arthritis Pain is horrible to deal with. If prolonged or frequent, it significantly impacts the quality of life. What lifestyle practices can reduce chronic pain such as back pain and arthritis? [G] | The EvidenceGod and Dinosaurs Did dinosaurs really exist? Is so, did God create them? What is the evidence? [G] | The Magna Carta Unlocked- DoccoSacrifice and Rembrance The Duke of Wellington's greatest triumph on the battlefield can be traced directly back to the sacrifice of the people, institutions, and way of life that grew out of Magna Carta. [PG] | Evolution ImpossibleMajor Problems with Radiometric Dating Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. There is one dating method that scientists tell us is very simple and reliable though - Radiometric Dating. Is it really? [PG] | Table Talk - The Big PictureThe Cross The team at Lightbearers Ministry get together round the table to have an open and honest discussion about significant issues and doctrines presented in Scripture. Today - The Cross. [M] |
05:30 | The EvidenceGod and Dinosaurs Did dinosaurs really exist? Is so, did God create them? What is the evidence? [G] | Creation Magazine LiveThe Atheist's Creation Story All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. [G] | Cross Connection - MatthewJesus Enters Jerusalem Jesus healing the blind and the lame in the temple turned tradition upside down. Today on Cross Connection we will look at why Jesus opposes tradition. [G] | Table Talk - The Big PictureThe Cross The team at Lightbearers Ministry get together round the table to have an open and honest discussion about significant issues and doctrines presented in Scripture. Today - The Cross. [M] |
06:00 | Evolution ImpossibleMajor Problems with Radiometric Dating Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. There is one dating method that scientists tell us is very simple and reliable though - Radiometric Dating. Is it really? [PG] | Creation Magazine LiveThe Atheist's Creation Story All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. [G] | Table Talk - The Big PictureThe Cross The team at Lightbearers Ministry get together round the table to have an open and honest discussion about significant issues and doctrines presented in Scripture. Today - The Cross. [M] | Healthy LivingBack Pain / Arthritis Pain is horrible to deal with. If prolonged or frequent, it significantly impacts the quality of life. What lifestyle practices can reduce chronic pain such as back pain and arthritis? [G] | The EvidenceGod and Dinosaurs Did dinosaurs really exist? Is so, did God create them? What is the evidence? [G] |
06:30 | Real Family TalkYour Questions Answered: Marriage Woes Today Willie and Elaine Oliver, with Juliana Baioni, answer some questions about marriage and relationships. [G] | Animal EncountersCango Ranch Come face to face with a mighty 4-metre Nile crocodile during a cage dive. Our three adventurers also spend time with a python, to the delight of some, but not all. [G] | My Story, My SongAndy Litchfield Join your host Kandus Thorp to hear powerful stories of how God has used music to bless both listeners and performers alike. Today's guests is Andy Litchfield. [G] | Creation Magazine LiveThe Atheist's Creation Story All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. [G] | Creation Magazine LiveThe Atheist's Creation Story All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. [G] | Lessons for LivingHeaven Does Heaven exist or not? Why do people have differing ideas about Heaven? Let us search the Bible for the truth about Heaven. [G] |
07:00 | Hope Sabbath SchoolGod's Love and Justice - Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law The law is a revelation of God's loving character. This lesson will explore how God's plan of salvation affirms the law. How do we live in harmony with God's law of love? [G] | Ryan Defrates Secret AgentExploding Hot Sauce Furious that her hot sauce did not win first place, Granny starts a life of crime, robbing banks with an exploding sauce. Freedom International agent Ryan Defrates must solve the case. [G] | BiographiesCorrie ten Boom Corrie Ten Boom's family hides an innocent Jewish baby and others from the cruel Nazi invaders. When faith is tested, hope is tried, and love is strained, will Corrie's God prevail? [G] | Ryan Defrates Secret AgentExploding Hot Sauce Furious that her hot sauce did not win first place, Granny starts a life of crime, robbing banks with an exploding sauce. Freedom International agent Ryan Defrates must solve the case. [G] | Awesome ScienceYellowstone National Park Travel to the wonders of Wyoming and explore America's first national park with Noah as he shows you strong evidence for a catastrophic event that formed the petrified forests and canyons. [G] | BiographiesCorrie ten Boom Corrie Ten Boom's family hides an innocent Jewish baby and others from the cruel Nazi invaders. When faith is tested, hope is tried, and love is strained, will Corrie's God prevail? [G] | The VerdictOf a Maddened Mob We can be affected, influenced, and even changed by the emotional experiences of people around us. Randy Roberts looks at an instance of emotional contagion in ancient Jerusalem. [PG] (Starts at 06:55) |
07:30 | Kids' Camp Sing-AlongBe A Friend of God Singing can bring real joy and build your trust in God so, come join the Kids at Camp as they sing along to some well-known songs. [G]
Bible GemsThe Floating Baby Baby Moses was drawn from the water and grew up in a divided world, but God always had a plan for his life. [G] (Starts at 07:45) | The RescueBattle Of Good And Evil The King family discover more about the battle between good and evil, as how the choices that we make not only impact us, but also the people around us. [G] (Starts at 07:35) | Kids' Camp Sing-AlongBe A Friend of God Singing can bring real joy and build your trust in God so, come join the Kids at Camp as they sing along to some well-known songs. [G] (Starts at 07:25)
Bible GemsThe Floating Baby Baby Moses was drawn from the water and grew up in a divided world, but God always had a plan for his life. [G] (Starts at 07:40) | Creation CraftsLeaving Your Mark Mark and Suzi have fun teaching the kids all about string art grafiti and leaving their mark. [G]
The TuisRobot Butler On The Tuis episode today, Marica replaces herself and finds out it's not all pancakes and curry. [G] (Starts at 07:45) | The RescueBattle Of Good And Evil The King family discover more about the battle between good and evil, as how the choices that we make not only impact us, but also the people around us. [G] (Starts at 07:35) | Family Reunion ConcertDel and Friends - part 3 Del and Friends is a spirit-filled, tender yet refreshingly humorous look at the life and music of a remarkable servant of God by featuring some of Del's most beloved songs - part 3. [G] (Starts at 07:35) |
08:00 | Awesome ScienceYellowstone National Park Travel to the wonders of Wyoming and explore America's first national park with Noah as he shows you strong evidence for a catastrophic event that formed the petrified forests and canyons. [G] | Healthy LivingBack Pain / Arthritis Pain is horrible to deal with. If prolonged or frequent, it significantly impacts the quality of life. What lifestyle practices can reduce chronic pain such as back pain and arthritis? [G] | Real Family TalkYour Questions Answered: Marriage Woes Today Willie and Elaine Oliver, with Juliana Baioni, answer some questions about marriage and relationships. [G] | Go Healthy For GoodCure Acid Reflux Naturally In todays episode, Dr Nerida McKibben discusses causes and possible solutions to acid reflux. [PG] | Go Healthy For GoodSuicide Prevention in Teens In todays episode Dr McKibben looks at ways we as seasoned adults can help the younger generation navigate through challenging times. [PG] | Animal EncountersCango Ranch Come face to face with a mighty 4-metre Nile crocodile during a cage dive. Our three adventurers also spend time with a python, to the delight of some, but not all. [G] | Ryan Defrates Secret AgentExploding Hot Sauce Furious that her hot sauce did not win first place, Granny starts a life of crime, robbing banks with an exploding sauce. Freedom International agent Ryan Defrates must solve the case. [G] |
08:30 | Creation CraftsLeaving Your Mark Mark and Suzi have fun teaching the kids all about string art grafiti and leaving their mark. [G]
The TuisRobot Butler On The Tuis episode today, Marica replaces herself and finds out it's not all pancakes and curry. [G] (Starts at 08:45) | Faith Versus FinanceTestimony Is it possible to be financially secure and yet become spiritually bankrupt? Learn the answer directly from Julian Archer, a member of the '1% Club', the richest 1% of people on earth. [G] | LifestyleBoldly Go - William Shatner Do you wish you were more bold and capable of doing things you've never done before? Join host Roy Ice and guest Willaim Shatner to discover more. [G] | Lessons for LivingHeaven Does Heaven exist or not? Why do people have differing ideas about Heaven? Let us search the Bible for the truth about Heaven. [G] | Kids' Camp Sing-AlongBe A Friend of God Singing can bring real joy and build your trust in God so, come join the Kids at Camp as they sing along to some well-known songs. [G] (Starts at 08:25)
Bible GemsThe Floating Baby Baby Moses was drawn from the water and grew up in a divided world, but God always had a plan for his life. [G] (Starts at 08:40) |
09:00 | Hope ChurchChapters - The Final Chapter Life feeling chaotic? Discover the hope that God is crafting a redemptive ending for your story. Even in life's hardest chapters, He is at work, bringing purpose to every moment. [G] | Creation MinistriesThe Truth of the Genesis Flood Cultural stories and tales across the world describe some kind of extensive life and Earth altering Flood. What is the truth about the Genesis Flood? [PG] | Faith and FinanceMoney and Marriage, Money and Singles In this episode "Money and Marriage, Money and Singles" Edward Reid uses biblical principles and shares practical lessons of life about money management. [G] | AuthenticAnswers for a Skeptic Part 2 - Bible Mistakes On this week's episode of Authentic, host Shawn Boonstra continues his series called "Answers for a Skeptic" by focusing on the claim that the Bible is full of mistakes and contradiction. [PG] | Reliving MarkOne Who Forgives Sin In evaluating Jesus' radical declaration that He had forgiven the sins of a paralytic, Carl explores a reconstructed Jewish home and examines the claim that the house where the miracle occurred. [PG] | Scripture MysteriesThe Forgotten Dream The Forgotten Dream investigates the truth around a couple of serious questions. Firstly, "Are there really any good reasons to believe in the Bible?" and if so, "What does the future hold?". [PG] | Faith and FinanceMoney and Marriage, Money and Singles In this episode "Money and Marriage, Money and Singles" Edward Reid uses biblical principles and shares practical lessons of life about money management. [G] |
09:30 | Creation Magazine LiveThe Atheist's Creation Story All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. [G] | Sisters in ArmsIn the Midst of Pure Light Olympia Morata The Renaissance, often associated with great men, has a hidden gem, Olivia Morata. She translated the Bible, gave lectures in Latin and ventured where no woman had ventured before. [G] | Answers In GenesisThe Sanctity of Life 4 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - part 2 Dr David Menton examines the beginnings of life in the womb, explaining some amazing miracles that take place to create a human baby, showing that we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made - part. [PG] | The Cute OnesPuppy Love From vast savannahs and lush rainforests to our very own homes, the series explores and celebrates what makes an animal cute. [G] | Steps to Christ in SongThe Sinners Need of Christ We are powerless against sin without Christ. Steps to Christ in song reflects the hope found in Jesus, who bridges the gap between our weakness and God's love. [G] |
10:00 | Cross Connection - MatthewJesus Enters Jerusalem Jesus healing the blind and the lame in the temple turned tradition upside down. Today on Cross Connection we will look at why Jesus opposes tradition. [G] | Cross Connection - MatthewStatus in the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus said "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant". Does that mean we should stop trying to work our way up in life? [G] | InVerseRenewing the Mind - Saving Hurting People Is there a space where the bible speaks about Mental Health? Join the Inverse team to learn more on this topic. [G] | New PerceptionsYes, Can Do - Dare With Attitude Dwight Nelson talks about how to dare with an attitude. A daring attitude leads to "WE CAN DO ...Because ...HE CAN DO". [G] | Mind The GapFaith Some people say faith is just a shot in the dark, while others say they don't believe in God and therefore don't need faith. Dwight Nelson asks what faith is, and what does it mean to you? [G] | Hope Sabbath SchoolGod's Love and Justice - Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law The law is a revelation of God's loving character. This lesson will explore how God's plan of salvation affirms the law. How do we live in harmony with God's law of love? [G] |
10:30 | Thinking CreationGod and the Big Bang Can the 'Big Bang' really explain the origin of galaxies, the solar system, the earth and life, as a result of the combined actions of chance and natural laws? Or was life and the universe designed? [PG] | Creation ScapesBlue Ridge Dreams - part 1 Renown videographer Gary Hanson brings you some of the most fantastic and inspirational visuals that creation can provide, set to some of your favourite hymns and worship music. [G] (Starts at 10:15)
Mums At The TableGetting Information and Support The Mums at the Table chat about where to get information and advice, effective parenting styles and getting your child to listen. [G] | Live at Psalter StudioOh Give Thanks The Promise, perform 'Oh Give Thanks' and a special trio piece original entitled 'My Yes' + Eric & Monique share more of the music testimony. [G] (Starts at 10:35) |
11:00 | The VerdictOf a Maddened Mob We can be affected, influenced, and even changed by the emotional experiences of people around us. Randy Roberts looks at an instance of emotional contagion in ancient Jerusalem. [PG] (Starts at 10:55) | Off the GridMedevac a Woman in Critical Condition Experience the challenges and rewards of working for Adventist World Aviation as they use aircraft to save lives in remote parts of the world. Today, Clint medevacs a woman in critical condition. [G] | Mums At The TableGetting Information and Support The Mums at the Table chat about where to get information and advice, effective parenting styles and getting your child to listen. [G] (Starts at 11:05) | Hope Sabbath SchoolGod's Love and Justice - Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law The law is a revelation of God's loving character. This lesson will explore how God's plan of salvation affirms the law. How do we live in harmony with God's law of love? [G] | Real Family TalkYour Questions Answered: Marriage Woes Today Willie and Elaine Oliver, with Juliana Baioni, answer some questions about marriage and relationships. [G] | My Story, My SongAndy Litchfield Join your host Kandus Thorp to hear powerful stories of how God has used music to bless both listeners and performers alike. Today's guests is Andy Litchfield. [G] | Hope ChurchChapters - A Fresh Start Burdened by the past? Discover how God helps you let go of old wounds, embrace new beginnings, and step into a future full of hope. Experience His healing today. [G] |
11:30 | Made In His ImageBeauty In Motion When the systems of the body work together to allow us to perform extraordinary physical feats of agility, accuracy, speed and strength, we can really appreciate the complexity of God's design. [G] (Starts at 11:35) | It Is WrittenDaniel the Prophet - The Writing On The Wall King Balshazzar of Babylon organized a big party. A mysterious hand appeared, and in fiery letters, wrote a chilling message on the kings palace walls but, nobody can read it or knows what it means. [PG] | Hymns of the ForefathersSydney Continue the celebration in sight and sound as we follow the musical story of the English church from the 18th and 19th Centuries. [G] | Secrets of Britain's Great CathedralsSalisbury Cathedral Secrets of Britain's Great Cathedrals explores Salisbury Cathedral, featuring interviews with historians and experts and breathtaking aerial footage. [PG] | Made In His ImageBeauty In Motion When the systems of the body work together to allow us to perform extraordinary physical feats of agility, accuracy, speed and strength, we can really appreciate the complexity of God's design. [G] | Live at Psalter StudioOh Give Thanks The Promise, perform 'Oh Give Thanks' and a special trio piece original entitled 'My Yes' + Eric & Monique share more of the music testimony. [G] |
12:00 | The Incredible JourneyRembrandt - The Man who Lit up The World Today, we will follow in the footsteps of one of the Netherlands most loved and famous citizens, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. [G] | Family Reunion ConcertDel and Friends - part 3 Del and Friends is a spirit-filled, tender yet refreshingly humorous look at the life and music of a remarkable servant of God by featuring some of Del's most beloved songs - part 3. [G] | AuthenticAnswers for a Skeptic Part 2 - Bible Mistakes On this week's episode of Authentic, host Shawn Boonstra continues his series called "Answers for a Skeptic" by focusing on the claim that the Bible is full of mistakes and contradiction. [PG] | Sisters in ArmsIn the Midst of Pure Light Olympia Morata The Renaissance, often associated with great men, has a hidden gem, Olivia Morata. She translated the Bible, gave lectures in Latin and ventured where no woman had ventured before. [G] | It Is WrittenThe Greatest War War and unrest have long troubled the city of Sarajevo in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Events which occurred in Sarajevo started WWI. But a greater trouble shakes the world right now, the Greatest War. [M] | The Incredible JourneyThe Fall of Jerusalem Pt1 Jesus predicted the destruction of both the city and the temple. He prefaced his prophecy with signs and warnings which, if heeded, would have saved the lives of countless millions. [PG] | It Is WrittenWhen History Repeats In rural England a monument stands to a great hero of the Reformation. While others preached or developed doctrines, this man poured himself into translating and printing the Bible. [PG] |
12:30 | Reliving MarkOne Who Forgives Sin In evaluating Jesus' radical declaration that He had forgiven the sins of a paralytic, Carl explores a reconstructed Jewish home and examines the claim that the house where the miracle occurred. [PG] | The EvidenceGod and Dinosaurs Did dinosaurs really exist? Is so, did God create them? What is the evidence? [G] | The Magna Carta Unlocked- DoccoSacrifice and Rembrance The Duke of Wellington's greatest triumph on the battlefield can be traced directly back to the sacrifice of the people, institutions, and way of life that grew out of Magna Carta. [PG] | Lessons for LivingHeaven Does Heaven exist or not? Why do people have differing ideas about Heaven? Let us search the Bible for the truth about Heaven. [G] | Summer SnowSummer Snow Dan struggles to keep it together after his wife's death. He doesn't cook, do hair, or know how to help his three children without his beautiful wife and her unshakable faith in God. [PG] | Healthy LivingBack Pain / Arthritis Pain is horrible to deal with. If prolonged or frequent, it significantly impacts the quality of life. What lifestyle practices can reduce chronic pain such as back pain and arthritis? [G] | Mums At The TableGetting Information and Support The Mums at the Table chat about where to get information and advice, effective parenting styles and getting your child to listen. [G] |
13:00 | Go Healthy For GoodCure Acid Reflux Naturally In todays episode, Dr Nerida McKibben discusses causes and possible solutions to acid reflux. [PG] | Answers In GenesisThe Sanctity of Life 4 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - part 2 Dr David Menton examines the beginnings of life in the womb, explaining some amazing miracles that take place to create a human baby, showing that we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made - part. [PG] | Hymns of the ForefathersSydney Continue the celebration in sight and sound as we follow the musical story of the English church from the 18th and 19th Centuries. [G] (Starts at 12:55) | Table Talk - The Big PictureThe Cross The team at Lightbearers Ministry get together round the table to have an open and honest discussion about significant issues and doctrines presented in Scripture. Today - The Cross. [M] | Scripture MysteriesThe Forgotten Dream The Forgotten Dream investigates the truth around a couple of serious questions. Firstly, "Are there really any good reasons to believe in the Bible?" and if so, "What does the future hold?". [PG] |
13:30 | Creation ScapesBlue Ridge Dreams - part 1 Renown videographer Gary Hanson brings you some of the most fantastic and inspirational visuals that creation can provide, set to some of your favourite hymns and worship music. [G] (Starts at 13:45) | Healthy LivingBack Pain / Arthritis Pain is horrible to deal with. If prolonged or frequent, it significantly impacts the quality of life. What lifestyle practices can reduce chronic pain such as back pain and arthritis? [G] | Evolution ImpossibleMajor Problems with Radiometric Dating Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. There is one dating method that scientists tell us is very simple and reliable though - Radiometric Dating. Is it really? [PG] (Starts at 13:25) |
14:00 | Prophecy UnsealedProphets And Prophecy Visions And Dreams The world is full of so called prophets. What does the Bible teach us about prophets and why did Jesus warns us against counterfeits? Today we will explore this important question. [PG] | Go Healthy For GoodSuicide Prevention in Teens In todays episode Dr McKibben looks at ways we as seasoned adults can help the younger generation navigate through challenging times. [PG] | Made In His ImageBeauty In Motion When the systems of the body work together to allow us to perform extraordinary physical feats of agility, accuracy, speed and strength, we can really appreciate the complexity of God's design. [G] | The VerdictOf a Maddened Mob We can be affected, influenced, and even changed by the emotional experiences of people around us. Randy Roberts looks at an instance of emotional contagion in ancient Jerusalem. [PG] (Starts at 13:55) | Family Reunion ConcertDel and Friends - part 3 Del and Friends is a spirit-filled, tender yet refreshingly humorous look at the life and music of a remarkable servant of God by featuring some of Del's most beloved songs - part 3. [G] | LifestyleGrowing Pains - Jeremy and Joanie Miller Is there someone in your life dealing with substance abuse? Jeremy Miller, known on the hit sitcom Growing Pains, along with his fiancee, Joanie Miller, and they share their journey. [G] | Mind The GapFaith Some people say faith is just a shot in the dark, while others say they don't believe in God and therefore don't need faith. Dwight Nelson asks what faith is, and what does it mean to you? [G] |
14:30 | New PerceptionsYes, Can Do - Dare With Attitude Dwight Nelson talks about how to dare with an attitude. A daring attitude leads to "WE CAN DO ...Because ...HE CAN DO". [G] | Line Upon LineDeath, Dreams & Demon-possessed I would like to know: When someone is about to die, does the soul leave the body once the heart stops beating or before? Pastors John and Wes offer Bible answers to this question and more. [G] (Starts at 14:35) | My Story, My SongAndy Litchfield Join your host Kandus Thorp to hear powerful stories of how God has used music to bless both listeners and performers alike. Today's guests is Andy Litchfield. [G] | Faith Versus FinanceTestimony Is it possible to be financially secure and yet become spiritually bankrupt? Learn the answer directly from Julian Archer, a member of the '1% Club', the richest 1% of people on earth. [G] |
15:00 | Real Family TalkYour Questions Answered: Marriage Woes Today Willie and Elaine Oliver, with Juliana Baioni, answer some questions about marriage and relationships. [G] | Hope Sabbath SchoolGod's Love and Justice - Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law The law is a revelation of God's loving character. This lesson will explore how God's plan of salvation affirms the law. How do we live in harmony with God's law of love? [G] | My Story, My SongAndy Litchfield Join your host Kandus Thorp to hear powerful stories of how God has used music to bless both listeners and performers alike. Today's guests is Andy Litchfield. [G] (Starts at 15:05) | Steps to Christ in SongThe Sinners Need of Christ We are powerless against sin without Christ. Steps to Christ in song reflects the hope found in Jesus, who bridges the gap between our weakness and God's love. [G] | Evolution ImpossibleMajor Problems with Radiometric Dating Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. There is one dating method that scientists tell us is very simple and reliable though - Radiometric Dating. Is it really? [PG] | Faith and FinanceMoney and Marriage, Money and Singles In this episode "Money and Marriage, Money and Singles" Edward Reid uses biblical principles and shares practical lessons of life about money management. [G] | The Cute OnesPuppy Love From vast savannahs and lush rainforests to our very own homes, the series explores and celebrates what makes an animal cute. [G] |
15:30 | Line Upon LineDeath, Dreams & Demon-possessed I would like to know: When someone is about to die, does the soul leave the body once the heart stops beating or before? Pastors John and Wes offer Bible answers to this question and more. [G] | Bible Land PassagesJudah - David's Training Ground Of Faith Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith is a documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. [G] | AuthenticGod in the Flesh Does the Bible really say Jesus is God? Come along as Shawn Boonstra investigates. [PG] (Starts at 15:35) | Hymns of the ForefathersSydney Continue the celebration in sight and sound as we follow the musical story of the English church from the 18th and 19th Centuries. [G] | Hope ChurchChapters - The Final Chapter Life feeling chaotic? Discover the hope that God is crafting a redemptive ending for your story. Even in life's hardest chapters, He is at work, bringing purpose to every moment. [G] | Reliving MarkOne Who Forgives Sin In evaluating Jesus' radical declaration that He had forgiven the sins of a paralytic, Carl explores a reconstructed Jewish home and examines the claim that the house where the miracle occurred. [PG] |
16:00 | Animal EncountersCango Ranch Come face to face with a mighty 4-metre Nile crocodile during a cage dive. Our three adventurers also spend time with a python, to the delight of some, but not all. [G] | Ryan Defrates Secret AgentExploding Hot Sauce Furious that her hot sauce did not win first place, Granny starts a life of crime, robbing banks with an exploding sauce. Freedom International agent Ryan Defrates must solve the case. [G] | BiographiesCorrie ten Boom Corrie Ten Boom's family hides an innocent Jewish baby and others from the cruel Nazi invaders. When faith is tested, hope is tried, and love is strained, will Corrie's God prevail? [G] | Ryan Defrates Secret AgentExploding Hot Sauce Furious that her hot sauce did not win first place, Granny starts a life of crime, robbing banks with an exploding sauce. Freedom International agent Ryan Defrates must solve the case. [G] | Awesome ScienceYellowstone National Park Travel to the wonders of Wyoming and explore America's first national park with Noah as he shows you strong evidence for a catastrophic event that formed the petrified forests and canyons. [G] | BiographiesCorrie ten Boom Corrie Ten Boom's family hides an innocent Jewish baby and others from the cruel Nazi invaders. When faith is tested, hope is tried, and love is strained, will Corrie's God prevail? [G] | Hymns of the ForefathersSydney Continue the celebration in sight and sound as we follow the musical story of the English church from the 18th and 19th Centuries. [G] |
16:30 | My Story, My SongAndy Litchfield Join your host Kandus Thorp to hear powerful stories of how God has used music to bless both listeners and performers alike. Today's guests is Andy Litchfield. [G] | Kids' Camp Sing-AlongBe A Friend of God Singing can bring real joy and build your trust in God so, come join the Kids at Camp as they sing along to some well-known songs. [G]
Bible GemsThe Floating Baby Baby Moses was drawn from the water and grew up in a divided world, but God always had a plan for his life. [G] (Starts at 16:45) | The RescueBattle Of Good And Evil The King family discover more about the battle between good and evil, as how the choices that we make not only impact us, but also the people around us. [G] (Starts at 16:35) | Kids' Camp Sing-AlongBe A Friend of God Singing can bring real joy and build your trust in God so, come join the Kids at Camp as they sing along to some well-known songs. [G] (Starts at 16:25)
Bible GemsThe Floating Baby Baby Moses was drawn from the water and grew up in a divided world, but God always had a plan for his life. [G] (Starts at 16:40) | Creation CraftsLeaving Your Mark Mark and Suzi have fun teaching the kids all about string art grafiti and leaving their mark. [G]
The TuisRobot Butler On The Tuis episode today, Marica replaces herself and finds out it's not all pancakes and curry. [G] (Starts at 16:45) | The RescueBattle Of Good And Evil The King family discover more about the battle between good and evil, as how the choices that we make not only impact us, but also the people around us. [G] (Starts at 16:35) | Line Upon LineDeath, Dreams & Demon-possessed I would like to know: When someone is about to die, does the soul leave the body once the heart stops beating or before? Pastors John and Wes offer Bible answers to this question and more. [G] |
17:00 | Mind The GapFaith Some people say faith is just a shot in the dark, while others say they don't believe in God and therefore don't need faith. Dwight Nelson asks what faith is, and what does it mean to you? [G] | LifestyleGrowing Pains - Jeremy and Joanie Miller Is there someone in your life dealing with substance abuse? Jeremy Miller, known on the hit sitcom Growing Pains, along with his fiancee, Joanie Miller, and they share their journey. [G] | Real Family TalkYour Questions Answered: Marriage Woes Today Willie and Elaine Oliver, with Juliana Baioni, answer some questions about marriage and relationships. [G] | Go Healthy For GoodCure Acid Reflux Naturally In todays episode, Dr Nerida McKibben discusses causes and possible solutions to acid reflux. [PG] | Go Healthy For GoodSuicide Prevention in Teens In todays episode Dr McKibben looks at ways we as seasoned adults can help the younger generation navigate through challenging times. [PG] | Mums At The TableGetting Information and Support The Mums at the Table chat about where to get information and advice, effective parenting styles and getting your child to listen. [G] | Prophecy UnsealedProphets And Prophecy Visions And Dreams The world is full of so called prophets. What does the Bible teach us about prophets and why did Jesus warns us against counterfeits? Today we will explore this important question. [PG] |
17:30 | Faith Versus FinanceTestimony Is it possible to be financially secure and yet become spiritually bankrupt? Learn the answer directly from Julian Archer, a member of the '1% Club', the richest 1% of people on earth. [G] | LifestyleBoldly Go - William Shatner Do you wish you were more bold and capable of doing things you've never done before? Join host Roy Ice and guest Willaim Shatner to discover more. [G] | Lessons for LivingHeaven Does Heaven exist or not? Why do people have differing ideas about Heaven? Let us search the Bible for the truth about Heaven. [G] |
18:00 | Bible Land PassagesJudah - David's Training Ground Of Faith Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith is a documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. [G] | Mums At The TableGetting Information and Support The Mums at the Table chat about where to get information and advice, effective parenting styles and getting your child to listen. [G] | Table Talk - The Big PictureThe Cross The team at Lightbearers Ministry get together round the table to have an open and honest discussion about significant issues and doctrines presented in Scripture. Today - The Cross. [M] | Cross Connection - MatthewJesus Enters Jerusalem Jesus healing the blind and the lame in the temple turned tradition upside down. Today on Cross Connection we will look at why Jesus opposes tradition. [G] | Cross Connection - MatthewStatus in the Kingdom of Heaven Jesus said "Whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant". Does that mean we should stop trying to work our way up in life? [G] | Hope Sabbath SchoolGod's Love and Justice - Love Is The Fulfillment Of The Law The law is a revelation of God's loving character. This lesson will explore how God's plan of salvation affirms the law. How do we live in harmony with God's law of love? [G] | The Magna Carta Unlocked- DoccoSacrifice and Rembrance The Duke of Wellington's greatest triumph on the battlefield can be traced directly back to the sacrifice of the people, institutions, and way of life that grew out of Magna Carta. [PG] |
18:30 | Steps to Christ in SongThe Sinners Need of Christ We are powerless against sin without Christ. Steps to Christ in song reflects the hope found in Jesus, who bridges the gap between our weakness and God's love. [G] | Sisters in ArmsIn the Midst of Pure Light Olympia Morata The Renaissance, often associated with great men, has a hidden gem, Olivia Morata. She translated the Bible, gave lectures in Latin and ventured where no woman had ventured before. [G] |
19:00 | It Is WrittenWhen History Repeats In rural England a monument stands to a great hero of the Reformation. While others preached or developed doctrines, this man poured himself into translating and printing the Bible. [PG] | The Incredible JourneyThe Fall of Jerusalem Pt1 Jesus predicted the destruction of both the city and the temple. He prefaced his prophecy with signs and warnings which, if heeded, would have saved the lives of countless millions. [PG] | It Is WrittenDaniel the Prophet - The Writing On The Wall King Balshazzar of Babylon organized a big party. A mysterious hand appeared, and in fiery letters, wrote a chilling message on the kings palace walls but, nobody can read it or knows what it means. [PG] | Hope ChurchChapters - The Final Chapter Life feeling chaotic? Discover the hope that God is crafting a redemptive ending for your story. Even in life's hardest chapters, He is at work, bringing purpose to every moment. [G] | AuthenticAnswers for a Skeptic Part 2 - Bible Mistakes On this week's episode of Authentic, host Shawn Boonstra continues his series called "Answers for a Skeptic" by focusing on the claim that the Bible is full of mistakes and contradiction. [PG] | Steps to Christ in SongThe Sinners Need of Christ We are powerless against sin without Christ. Steps to Christ in song reflects the hope found in Jesus, who bridges the gap between our weakness and God's love. [G] | Evolution ImpossibleMajor Problems with Radiometric Dating Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. There is one dating method that scientists tell us is very simple and reliable though - Radiometric Dating. Is it really? [PG] |
19:30 | The Magna Carta Unlocked- DoccoSacrifice and Rembrance The Duke of Wellington's greatest triumph on the battlefield can be traced directly back to the sacrifice of the people, institutions, and way of life that grew out of Magna Carta. [PG] | Hope At NightHow Can I Grow in Faith? How can I hear God's voice and see God work in my life? Pavel Goia shares incredible stories of what happens when you give God permission to do whatever it takes to save you and grow you. [G] | Creation Magazine LiveThe Atheist's Creation Story All thinking people have to answer the question of origins. This episode explores what atheists have to believe about where they came from. [G] | Secrets of Britain's Great CathedralsSalisbury Cathedral Secrets of Britain's Great Cathedrals explores Salisbury Cathedral, featuring interviews with historians and experts and breathtaking aerial footage. [PG] | The Magna Carta Unlocked- DoccoSacrifice and Rembrance The Duke of Wellington's greatest triumph on the battlefield can be traced directly back to the sacrifice of the people, institutions, and way of life that grew out of Magna Carta. [PG] | It Is WrittenDaniel the Prophet - The Writing On The Wall King Balshazzar of Babylon organized a big party. A mysterious hand appeared, and in fiery letters, wrote a chilling message on the kings palace walls but, nobody can read it or knows what it means. [PG] | The Incredible JourneyRembrandt - The Man who Lit up The World Today, we will follow in the footsteps of one of the Netherlands most loved and famous citizens, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn. [G] |
20:00 | Animal EncountersCango Ranch Come face to face with a mighty 4-metre Nile crocodile during a cage dive. Our three adventurers also spend time with a python, to the delight of some, but not all. [G] | Hope At NightHow Can I Grow in Faith? How can I hear God's voice and see God work in my life? Pavel Goia shares incredible stories of what happens when you give God permission to do whatever it takes to save you and grow you. [G] | Bible Land PassagesJudah - David's Training Ground Of Faith Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith is a documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. [G] | Play the Flute -MoviePlay the Flute Faced with an indifferent youth group, a new youth Pastor (Brett Varvel) tries to motivate his students to read God's Word and get serious about their faith. [PG] |
20:30 | Reliving MarkOne Who Forgives Sin In evaluating Jesus' radical declaration that He had forgiven the sins of a paralytic, Carl explores a reconstructed Jewish home and examines the claim that the house where the miracle occurred. [PG] | The Cute OnesPuppy Love From vast savannahs and lush rainforests to our very own homes, the series explores and celebrates what makes an animal cute. [G] | Mind The GapFaith Some people say faith is just a shot in the dark, while others say they don't believe in God and therefore don't need faith. Dwight Nelson asks what faith is, and what does it mean to you? [G] | My Story, My SongAndy Litchfield Join your host Kandus Thorp to hear powerful stories of how God has used music to bless both listeners and performers alike. Today's guests is Andy Litchfield. [G] | The EvidenceGod and Dinosaurs Did dinosaurs really exist? Is so, did God create them? What is the evidence? [G] (Starts at 20:35) |
21:00 | Secrets of Britain's Great CathedralsSalisbury Cathedral Secrets of Britain's Great Cathedrals explores Salisbury Cathedral, featuring interviews with historians and experts and breathtaking aerial footage. [PG] | Prophecy UnsealedProphets And Prophecy Visions And Dreams The world is full of so called prophets. What does the Bible teach us about prophets and why did Jesus warns us against counterfeits? Today we will explore this important question. [PG] | Line Upon LineDeath, Dreams & Demon-possessed I would like to know: When someone is about to die, does the soul leave the body once the heart stops beating or before? Pastors John and Wes offer Bible answers to this question and more. [G] | Animal EncountersCango Ranch Come face to face with a mighty 4-metre Nile crocodile during a cage dive. Our three adventurers also spend time with a python, to the delight of some, but not all. [G] | Hope At NightHow Can I Grow in Faith? How can I hear God's voice and see God work in my life? Pavel Goia shares incredible stories of what happens when you give God permission to do whatever it takes to save you and grow you. [G] |
21:30 | Thinking CreationGod and the Big Bang Can the 'Big Bang' really explain the origin of galaxies, the solar system, the earth and life, as a result of the combined actions of chance and natural laws? Or was life and the universe designed? [PG] | The VerdictOf a Maddened Mob We can be affected, influenced, and even changed by the emotional experiences of people around us. Randy Roberts looks at an instance of emotional contagion in ancient Jerusalem. [PG] | Faith Versus FinanceTestimony Is it possible to be financially secure and yet become spiritually bankrupt? Learn the answer directly from Julian Archer, a member of the '1% Club', the richest 1% of people on earth. [G] | Faith and FinanceMoney and Marriage, Money and Singles In this episode "Money and Marriage, Money and Singles" Edward Reid uses biblical principles and shares practical lessons of life about money management. [G] |
22:00 | InVerseRenewing the Mind - Saving Hurting People Is there a space where the bible speaks about Mental Health? Join the Inverse team to learn more on this topic. [G] | Bible Land PassagesJudah - David's Training Ground Of Faith Judah: David's Training Ground of Faith is a documentary about one of the ancient tribal territories of Israel and its relationship to the early life of King David. [G] | Scripture MysteriesThe Forgotten Dream The Forgotten Dream investigates the truth around a couple of serious questions. Firstly, "Are there really any good reasons to believe in the Bible?" and if so, "What does the future hold?". [PG] | InVerseRenewing the Mind - Saving Hurting People Is there a space where the bible speaks about Mental Health? Join the Inverse team to learn more on this topic. [G] | Made In His ImageBeauty In Motion When the systems of the body work together to allow us to perform extraordinary physical feats of agility, accuracy, speed and strength, we can really appreciate the complexity of God's design. [G] | Steps to Christ in SongThe Sinners Need of Christ We are powerless against sin without Christ. Steps to Christ in song reflects the hope found in Jesus, who bridges the gap between our weakness and God's love. [G] |
22:30 | Answers In GenesisThe Sanctity of Life 4 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - part 2 Dr David Menton examines the beginnings of life in the womb, explaining some amazing miracles that take place to create a human baby, showing that we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made - part. [PG] | Hymns of the ForefathersSydney Continue the celebration in sight and sound as we follow the musical story of the English church from the 18th and 19th Centuries. [G] | Secrets of Britain's Great CathedralsSalisbury Cathedral Secrets of Britain's Great Cathedrals explores Salisbury Cathedral, featuring interviews with historians and experts and breathtaking aerial footage. [PG] | The Cute OnesPuppy Love From vast savannahs and lush rainforests to our very own homes, the series explores and celebrates what makes an animal cute. [G] | Off the GridMedevac a Woman in Critical Condition Experience the challenges and rewards of working for Adventist World Aviation as they use aircraft to save lives in remote parts of the world. Today, Clint medevacs a woman in critical condition. [G] | Animal EncountersCango Ranch Come face to face with a mighty 4-metre Nile crocodile during a cage dive. Our three adventurers also spend time with a python, to the delight of some, but not all. [G] |
23:00 | It Is WrittenWhen History Repeats In rural England a monument stands to a great hero of the Reformation. While others preached or developed doctrines, this man poured himself into translating and printing the Bible. [PG] | Summer SnowSummer Snow Dan struggles to keep it together after his wife's death. He doesn't cook, do hair, or know how to help his three children without his beautiful wife and her unshakable faith in God. [PG] | It Is WrittenWhen History Repeats In rural England a monument stands to a great hero of the Reformation. While others preached or developed doctrines, this man poured himself into translating and printing the Bible. [PG] | Thinking CreationGod and the Big Bang Can the 'Big Bang' really explain the origin of galaxies, the solar system, the earth and life, as a result of the combined actions of chance and natural laws? Or was life and the universe designed? [PG] | Prophecy UnsealedProphets And Prophecy Visions And Dreams The world is full of so called prophets. What does the Bible teach us about prophets and why did Jesus warns us against counterfeits? Today we will explore this important question. [PG] | Faith and FinanceMoney and Marriage, Money and Singles In this episode "Money and Marriage, Money and Singles" Edward Reid uses biblical principles and shares practical lessons of life about money management. [G] |
23:30 | Creation ScapesBlue Ridge Dreams - part 1 Renown videographer Gary Hanson brings you some of the most fantastic and inspirational visuals that creation can provide, set to some of your favourite hymns and worship music. [G] (Starts at 23:15)
Lessons for LivingHeaven Does Heaven exist or not? Why do people have differing ideas about Heaven? Let us search the Bible for the truth about Heaven. [G] | Scripture MysteriesThe Forgotten Dream The Forgotten Dream investigates the truth around a couple of serious questions. Firstly, "Are there really any good reasons to believe in the Bible?" and if so, "What does the future hold?". [PG] | Evolution ImpossibleMajor Problems with Radiometric Dating Figuring out the age of something in nature is not always an easy task. There is one dating method that scientists tell us is very simple and reliable though - Radiometric Dating. Is it really? [PG] | New PerceptionsYes, Can Do - Dare With Attitude Dwight Nelson talks about how to dare with an attitude. A daring attitude leads to "WE CAN DO ...Because ...HE CAN DO". [G] | Answers In GenesisThe Sanctity of Life 4 - Fearfully and Wonderfully Made - part 2 Dr David Menton examines the beginnings of life in the womb, explaining some amazing miracles that take place to create a human baby, showing that we truly are fearfully and wonderfully made - part. [PG] |